Year Composed:

violin and electronics


Jaden Tong, violin. The Center for Electronic and Computer Music Concert December 5th, 2021 in Auer Hall, Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, Bloomington, IN, USA.

Program Note
An etymological definition of "CO-" means "with", "together", "joint", and "jointly". Namely, it represents that at least two different things exist together in the same space. Now we humans are the main creators of artificial objects and the species predominating on the face of the earth, thereby contaminating and devastating nature to a greatly severe extent. It brought out the situation where non-natural things have occupied great parts of our daily life being unbalanced and we ended up being no longer able to live without them anymore. In this context, “CO-” indicates the coexistence of natural and non-natural things, which are to be “with” in our current and future lives. This piece depicts such ideas including my aspiration for well-balanced harmony between those things - in quite intuitive and straightforward ways, rather than abstract and philosophical ways. The usual violin techniques and open strings’ pitches represent “natural factors” per se, and unusual techniques and pitches away from open strings do “non-natural factors.” The latter quite often interferes with and invades on the former's path, but they are harmonized as the music proceeds toward the end.